You can email us here, or find out how to get in touch by phone below.


Whether you require background music to accompany a meal or cocktails, or the need to get those feet moving with dance music appropriate for the ages and tastes of your guests (or both), we can oblige. If we don’t already have a particular piece in our repertoire that you would like, we may be able to prepare it especially for you, providing we have sufficient notice.


Don’t think that a band this size might be too expensive - it’s NOT!

Contact us now and find out just how affordable we are.

We also make our own booking arrangements, hence…



Colin Eaton (Musical Director) (027) 441-1490
Max Wright (President) (03) 377-6542 or (027) 437-9351

Next Gig

April 5, 7:30 PM
Cashmere Club
$10 entry

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